A professional ultra-cyclist born in Perth Western Australia, Jack relocated to Girona, Spain in 2019. Referred to in the media as ‘The Most Extreme Cyclist on Earth,’ Jack pushes the boundary of what is humanly possible on a bike, exploring the limits of human physiology both physically and mentally. Jack holds multiple Guinness World Records and Fastest Known Times (FKT’s) around the globe and is an active and passionate advocate for Mental Health Disorders.
Jack grew up in an active and talented household. His father Brian has ridden around the world, his mother Janette has climbed Mount Everest and his brother Chad is the current Physique World Champion.
While Jack is now pushing the envelope of sporting boundaries and inspiring others along the way, his childhood presented its own hurdles. Diagnosed with Clinical Depression and an Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder at age 13, Jack spent his teen years living in a dark and at times lonely place. Jack developed a drug addiction at age 20 and spent time in a rehabilitation clinic before finding his love for the bike again.
With a degree in Construction Management and Economics, Jack made the transition to full time professional athlete in 2018 and has since gone on to raise in excess of €500,000 for Mental Health Not for Profits, while continuing to push the boundaries of human potential on a bike.
When Jack’s not on a bike, eating or recovering, he spends his time shooting and editing surf films, surfing himself and relaxing with his wife in the North of Spain.